AWO Nerolina Essential Oil 15ml

SKU: 865031


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Nerolina Essential Oil carries a refreshingly soft, fruity aroma that is somewhat similar to that of Tea Tree Essential Oil. It is primarily known for its ability to calm and balance emotions. Others have found the benefits of Nerolina Essential Oil to be an effective treatment for those who suffer with symptoms of anxiety and stress. Its aroma is used to improve sleep quality and is thought to contain powerful anti-inflammatory abilities, making it beneficial for those who suffer with rheumatoid arthritis and muscular and joint pain.

When used in skincare, it can treat acne, dry skin and innflammation, as well as aide in the appearance of scarring. Nerolina Oil is known to eliminate hair odour and helps add moisture to the scalp. 

To experience the aromatic benefits of Nerolina Essential Oil, add a few drops to your Aromatherapy Diffuser, Car Diffuser or Diffuser Necklace.

The calming and tranquil properties within Nerolina Oil makes it the perfect essential oil to have diffusing in any living space.

For those wanting to use Nerolina Essential Oil topically, simply add a few drops to your preferred carrier oil at a 2% dilution and apply as a skin serum or massage oil.

For facial application, we recommend a 1% dilution.

Botanical Name: Melaleuca quinquinervia
Plant Part: Leaves and terminal branches
Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation
Country of Origin: Australia
Safety: Topical use only. Avoid using while pregnant/ breastfeeding. Dilute prior to use. 

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